
Camp in Marindol

Seventh graders spend the beginning of the new school year a little differently. The activities and everything that goes with them are carried out in the classroom outdoors, in nature, at the camp in Marindol. The goal of the camp is to get to know the attitude and cultural heritage of Bela Krajina through various


Teacher training for new work methods

Teachers usually dedicate the last days of August to various types of education and training. Thus, we took part in an extremely interesting education with the workshops “Youth and outdoor classroom”. At the workshops, all teachers listened to two experienced lecturers who focus on young people, Nada Zupančič and Martin Lenarčič. They presented us with


Students’ Attitudes towards Large Carnivores in Slovenia Before and After Role-Playing Workshop

In June 2023, representative of LIFE Lynx project visited Gymnasium of France Prešeren, Kranj to conduct a Role Playing workshop on. The goal was to gain insights into students’ perspectives regarding the presence of large carnivores, including lynx, and to assess any changes in their opinions and feelings following the 35 min workshop. Analysis were



On Monday, June 5, 2023, a training session for so-called multipliers took place at Gimnazija Franceta Prešerna in Kranj as part of the School21 project. Nearly 20 teachers from both schools participating in the project attended the training. The training was conducted by Socialna Akademija and BSC from Kranj. Under the guidance of Matej Cepin


MM, CM, DM, M, KM …

“Well, not those measurement units again”, this is the most common statement when announcing that we will deal with meters, kilograms, seconds, litres, … “But how are we supposed to remember how many centimetres are in one meter, or how many grams are in one kilogram, how many decilitres go into one litre?!” That’s why



The manual, created as part of the “Career Place – Career Center for Youth” project, is a “handy” resource with ideas for implementing career orientation activities in primary schools from grades 1 to 9. It is practical in nature and contains activities for each educational period. The activities encourage the development of writing, communication, and



Učenci 2. razredov so se v maju odpravili na tridnevni tabor na Zgornji Zavratnik, turistično kmetijo nad Lučami. Tam so spoznali življenjem na podeželju, domače živali in okoliški gozd. Učence je obiskal tudi gozdar in na sprehodu skozi gozd so spoznavali tamkajšnja drevesa in razlike med njimi ter druge zanimivosti življenja v gozdu.Seveda na takem


Francoski makroni

Francoski makroni so ena najbolj prepoznavnih sladic, toda njihova izdelava je vse prej kot enostavna. Zahteva precej časa, natančnost, prave sestavine in dobra navodila, zato smo se učili od najboljšega – od francoskega mojstra, chefa Naserja Gashija, ki ustvarja v slaščičarski ustvarjalnici La Ganache v Ljubljani. Razkril nam je nekatere skrivnosti francoske “patisserie” in mojstrsko prikazal postopek
